Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Invitation arrived today

We got our invitation to the Adoption Center in Kiev today!  This is the day we have been waiting a long time for.  We need to be in Kiev for a morning appointment on April 13.  We are still making flight arrangements but we expect we will fly out on April 10 and arrive in Kiev on April 11.

Paul and I still need to decide if one of us stays the entire time (about 8 weeks) or if we all come home together after approx. 4 weeks and then one of us goes back 10 days later for another 2 weeks to take care of paperwork and exams that needs to be done in order to bring Kirill home.  The process is drawn out by the fact that there is a 10 day waiting period after your court date and you are not able to do any of the paperwork or exams that are needed in order to bring your child to the US.  As much as both of us would like to be there for the entire process, we recognize it is best to get Max back home for the last part of the school year. 

If everything works out we should have Kirill here with us in early June!  Thank you to everyone for your prayers and positive thoughts that have gotten us to this point. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Waiting for the call

We received an email this past week telling us we should receive our invitation to the Adoption Center very soon.  We could possibly be traveling the first or second week of April!  Yes, we have many things to do before we leave!  One of the to do items is to get a blog set up so I will at least be able to cross one thing off my list today.  Will update our blog when we get the official word.